

1. A person responsible for making and publishing a report; esp., a lawyer-consultant who prepares drafts of official or semi-official writings such as court rules or Restatements (the reporter to the Advisory Committee on Bankruptcy Rules explained the various amendments). [Cases: Reports

3. C.J.S. Reports §§ 10–13.]


3. REPORT (3) (Supreme Court Reporter). — Abbr. rep.; rptr.

“It may not come amiss to remark that the National Report System is usually spoken of as the ‘Reporters,’ and one of the component parts of that system is in like manner spoken of as a ‘Reporter.’ Wherever, in this or the succeeding chapters of this work, the word is used with a capital, it refers to one or more of the parts of the National Reporter System. When the word ‘reporter’ is used without capitalization, it refers to the person who reports or edits the cases in any series of reports to which reference is being made.” William M. Lile et al., Brief Making and the Use of Law Books 37 (3d ed. 1914).

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