investment company

A company formed to acquire and manage a portfolio of diverse assets by investing money collected from different sources.

• The Investment Company Act of 1940 defines the term as an issuer of securities that (1) is, holds itself out to be, or proposes to be engaged primarily in the business of investing, reinvesting, or trading in securities; (2) is engaged or proposes to engage in the business of issuing face-amount certificates of the installment type, or has been engaged in this business and has such a certificate outstanding; or (3) is engaged or proposes to engage in the business of investing, reinvesting, owning, holding, or trading in securities, and owns or proposes to acquire investment securities having a value exceeding 40% of the value of the issuer’s total assets (exclusive of government securities and cash items) on an unconsolidated basis. 15 USCA § 80a-2(a)(16).

— Also termed investment trust. See REAL-ESTATE INVESTMENT TRUST; MUTUAL FUND. [Cases: Securities Regulation 211–222. C.J.S. Securities Regulation §§ 332–359.]

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