
blood. A relationship between persons arising by descent from a common ancestor. See RELATIVE.

entire blood. See full blood.

full blood. The relationship existing between persons having the same two parents; unmixed ancestry.

— Also termed whole blood; entire blood.

half blood. The relationship existing between persons having the same father or mother, but not both parents in common. — Sometimes written half-blood. See relative of the half blood under RELATIVE. [Cases: Descent and Distribution 35. C.J.S. Descent and Distribution §§ 29, 42.]

heritable blood. Hist. A relationship between an ancestor and an heir that the law recognizes for purposes of passing good title to property.

— Also termed inheritable blood. [Cases: Descent and Distribution 21. C.J.S. Descent and Distribution § 24.]

mixed blood. Archaic. The relationship between persons whose ancestors are of different races or nationalities.

“The term ‘mixed bloods,’ as used in treaties and statutes, has been held to include persons of half, or more or less than half, Indian blood, derived either from the father or from the mother.” 42 C.J.S. Indians § 3 (1991).

whole blood. See full blood.

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