

1. The act of engaging in war or military conflict. See WAR. [Cases: War and National Emergency

9. C.J.S. War and National Defense § 4.]

2. Loosely, the act of engaging in any type of conflict.

biological warfare. The use of biological or infectious agents in war, usu. by delivering them via airplanes or ballistic missiles.

economic warfare.

1. A hostile relationship between two or more countries in which at least one tries to damage the other’s economy for economic, political, or military ends.

2. The collective measures that might be taken to achieve such ends. [Cases: War and National Emergency 12, 14. C.J.S. War and National Defense §§ 8, 13–22, 84–85.]

guerrilla warfare. Hostilities that are conducted by individuals or small groups who are usu. not part of an orga-nized army and who fight by means of surprise attacks, ambushes, and sabotage. • Formerly, it was thought that the hostilities had to be conducted in enemy-occupied territory. Typically, guerrilla warfare is carried out only when geographical conditions are favorable and when the civilian population is at least partly cooperative.

land warfare. Hostilities conducted on the ground, as opposed to at sea or in the air.

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