

1. The act of temporarily delaying, interrupting, or terminating something (suspension of business operations) (suspension of a statute).

2. The state of such delay, interruption, or termination (corporate transfers were not allowed because of the suspension of business).

3. The temporary deprivation of a person’s powers or privileges, esp. of office or profession; esp., a fairly stringent level of lawyer discipline that prohibits the lawyer from practicing law for a specified period, usu. from several months to several years (suspension of the bar license). • Suspension may entail requiring the lawyer to pass a legal-ethics bar examination, or to take one or more ethics courses as continuing legal education, before being readmitted to active practice. [Cases: Licenses 38; Officers and Public Employees 65. C.J.S. Agriculture §§ 4.5; Architects§ 10; Licenses §§ 48, 50–63; Officers and Public Employees§§ 139, 141–142.]

4. The temporary withdrawal from employment, as distinguished from permanent severance (suspension from teaching without pay). [Cases: Master and Servant 30–31. C.J.S. Employer–Employee Relationship §§ 35, 38–40, 42–43, 52, 56, 60.]

5. Eccles. law. An ecclesiastical censure that can be temporary or permanent, and partial or complete. See DEPRIVATION.

6. Scots law. The process of staying a judgment pending an appeal to the Supreme Court.

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