
newspaper. A publication for general circulation, usu. in sheet form, appearing at regular intervals, usu. daily or weekly, and containing matters of general public interest, such as current events.

daily newspaper. A newspaper customarily published five to seven days every week. — Often shortened to daily.

legal newspaper. A newspaper containing matters of legal interest including summaries of cases, legal advertisements, legislative or regulatory changes, and local bankruptcy notices. [Cases: Newspapers 1–7. C.J.S. Newspapers §§ 2–29.]

newspaper of general circulation. A newspaper that contains news and information of interest to the general public, rather than to a particular segment, and that is available to the public within a certain geographic area. • Legal notices (such as a class-action notice) are often required by law to be published in a newspaper of general circulation. [Cases: Newspapers 3(5). C.J.S. Newspapers §§ 4–5.]

“The phrase ‘newspaper of general circulation’ is a term of art in most states and does not necessarily mean the newspaper best calculated to reach interested persons.” Ann Taylor Schwing, Open Meeting Laws § 5.28, at 190–91 (2d ed. 2000).

official newspaper. A newspaper designated to contain all the public notices, resolves, acts, and advertisements of a state or municipal legislative body. [Cases: Newspapers 1–7. C.J.S. Newspapers §§ 2–29.]

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