
yield, n. Profit expressed as a percentage of the investment.

— Also termed yield on investment; return. See RATE OF RETURN.

coupon yield. The annual interest paid on a security (esp. a bond) divided by the security’s par value.

— Also termed nominal yield.

current yield. The annual interest paid on a security (esp. a bond) divided by the security’s current market price.

discount yield. The yield on a security sold at a discount.

earnings yield. The earnings per share of a security divided by its market price. • The higher the ratio, the better the investment yield.

— Also termed earnings-price ratio. Cf. PRICE-EARNINGS RATIO.

net yield. The profit or loss on an investment after deducting all appropriate costs and loss reserves.

nominal yield. See coupon yield.

yield, vb.

1. To give up, relinquish, or surrender (a right, etc.) (yield the floor).

2. Parliamentary law. (Of a motion) to give way to a higher-ranking motion. Cf. PRECEDENCE(3).

“If two motions ‘A’ and ‘B’ are related under rules of parliamentary procedure in such a way that motion ‘B’ can be made while motion ‘A’ is pending and, when stated by the chair, can thus temporarily replace ‘A’ as the im-mediately pending question, motion ‘B’ takes precedence over (or takes precedence of) motion ‘A,’ and motion ‘A’ yields to motion ‘B.’ A secondary motion thus takes precedence over the main motion; and a main motion takes precedence over nothing and yields to all applicable secondary motions.” Henry M. Robert, Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised § 5, at 57–58 (10th ed. 2000).

3. Hist. To perform a service owed by a tenant to a lord (yield and pay).

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