

1. A structure that is attached to or connected with another building that predates the structure; an extension or annex. • Although some courts have held that an addition is merely an appurtenant structure that might not actually be in physical contact with the other building, most courts hold that there must be physical contact.

2. A title or appellation appended to a person’s name to show rank, occupation, or place of residence. • In English law, there are traditionally four kinds of additions: (1) those of estate, such as yeoman, gentleman, or esquire; (2) those of degree (or dignity), such as knight, baron, earl, marquis, or duke; (3) those of trade or occupation, such as scrivener, painter, mason, or carpenter; and (4) those of place of residence, such as London, Bath, or Chester. It was formerly required by the statute of additions (1 Hen. 5, ch. 5) that original writs and indictments state a person’s addition, but the practice has long since been abolished.

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