
adjourn ([schwa]-j[schwa]rn), vb. Parliamentary law. To end or postpone (a proceeding). Cf. RECESS(2).

“A motion to recess suspends the current meeting until a later time; the unqualified motion to adjourn terminates the meeting. When an assembly reconvenes following a recess, it resumes the meeting at the point where it was interrupted by the motion to recess. When an assembly reconvenes following an adjournment, it begins an entirely new meeting, starting with the first step in the regular order of business.” Alice Sturgis, The Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure 76 (4th ed. 2001).

adjourn sine die (sI-nee [or sin-ay] dI-ee). [Latin “without date”] To end a deliberative assembly’s or court’s session without setting a time to reconvene.

— Also termed adjourn without day. Cf. RISE(4).

adjourn to a day certain. To end a deliberative assembly’s or court’s session while fixing a time for the next meeting.

— Also termed adjourn to a day and time certain; fix a day to which to adjourn.

adjourn without day. See adjourn sine die.

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