
adjournment ([schwa]-j[schwa]rn-m[schwa]nt), n.

1. The act of adjourning; specif., a putting off of a court session or other meeting or assembly until a later time. See ADJOURN.

adjournment sine die ([schwa]-j[schwa]rn-m[schwa]nt sI-nee [or sin-ay] dI-ee). The ending of a deliberative assembly’s or court’s session without setting a time to reconvene.

— Also termed adjournment without day.

“The term adjournment sine die (or adjournment without day) usually refers to the close of a session of several meetings: (a) where the adjournment dissolves the assembly — as in a series of mass meetings or in an annual or biennial convention for which the delegates are separately chosen for each convention; or (b) where, unless called into special session, the body will not be convened again until a time prescribed by the bylaws or constitution — as in the case of a session of a legislature.” Henry M. Robert, Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised§ 8, at 81 (10th ed. 2000).

conditional adjournment. An adjournment that does not schedule another meeting, but provides for reconvening the assembly at an officer’s or board’s call or under other defined circumstances.

2. The period or interval between adjourning and reconvening. [Cases: Criminal Law 649; Trial 26. C.J.S. Criminal Law § 1155; Trial § 113.]

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