advance directive

advance directive.

1. A document that takes effect upon one’s incompetency and designates a surrogate deci-sion-maker for healthcare matters. • The Uniform Health-Care Decision Act (1993) states that the power of attorney for healthcare must be in writing and signed by the principal. Unless otherwise stated, the authority is effective only upon a determination that the principal lacks capacity, and it ceases to be effective once the principal regains his capacity. The agent must make decisions in accordance with the principal’s relevant instructions, if there are any, or in the principal’s best interests. — Also termed power of attorney for healthcare; healthcare proxy. See POWER OF ATTORNEY; UNIFORM HEALTH-CARE DECISION ACT.

2. A legal document explaining one’s wishes about medical treatment if one becomes incompetent or unable to communicate. — Often shortened to directive. — Also termed medical directive; physician’s directive; written directive. See NATURAL-DEATH ACT; PROXY DIRECTIVE. Cf. LIVING WILL.

3. DO-NOT-RESUSCITATE ORDER . [Cases: Health 916.]

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