against the weight of the evidenceglossary / AGAINST THE WEIGHT OF THE EVIDENCE against the weight of the evidence. (Of a verdict or judgment) contrary to the credible evidence; not sufficiently supported by the evidence in the record. See WEIGHT OF THE EVIDENCE. 词条贡献者 资深译员Grace,毕业于一所培养最顶级翻译人才的语言学院,擅长翻译各类与商业诉讼及争议相关的法律文件。
against the weight of the evidence AGAINST THE WEIGHT OF THE EVIDENCE, 违反证据之证明力的, 违反证据的 against the weight of the evidence 违反证据的;违反证据之证明力的 指判决所得结论明显违背事实审理者所查明的事实。 (→weight of the evidence)