aid and comfortglossary / aid and comfort, 助长和促进, 支持和援助 aid and comfort〈美〉支持和援助;助长和促进 叛国罪的构成要件之一。主要指行为人给予美利坚合众国的敌人以援助和帮助,增强和助长敌人的利益,削弱本国的权力和防御力量。仅有该内容的思想活动不构成犯罪。 词条贡献者 法律翻译Gianluca,毕业于英国一流的高级翻译学院,专注翻译各类与环境、土地及资源有关的法律文件。
aid and comfort aid and comfort Help given by someone to a national enemy in such a way that the help amounts to treason. [Cases: Treason…
aid and comfort aid and comfort aid and comfort. Help given by someone to a national enemy in such a way that the help amounts to…