
array, n.

1. A panel of potential jurors; VENIRE(1) (the array of mostly wealthy professionals seemed to favor the corporate defendant). [Cases: Jury 66, 114. C.J.S. Juries §§ 271, 312, 355, 359, 443–444.]

2. The jurors actually empaneled (the array hearing the case consisted of seven women and five men).

3. A list or roster of empaneled jurors (the plaintiff obtained a copy of the array to help prepare for voir dire). [Cases: Jury 69. C.J.S. Juries §§ 282, 316.]

4. Order; arrangement (the array of jurors from oldest to youngest).

5. A militia (the array organized antigovernment rallies).

6. A series of statistics or a group of elements (a mathematical array).

array, vb.

1. To empanel a jury for trial.

2. To call out the names of jurors, one by one, as they are empaneled.

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