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〈法〉〈英〉在手上烧烙印 在声称享有神职人员特权并允许其享有该特权的非神职刑事犯左手大姆指上烧烙印,以便在其第二次声称是神职人员时可供鉴别。中世纪时,通过拟制〔fiction〕,许多非神职人员意欲享有一些神职人员不受普通法严酷刑罚的特权。该特权由1827年《刑法》〔Criminal Law Act〕废止。
LegalLingo, a Shanghai-based translation agency, is a recognized leader in comprehensive legal language solutions for the legal industry. We provide the world’s leading law firms and corporate legal teams with a full suite of services, ranging from the translation of contracts and compliance documentation to full-scale multilingual litigation requiring certified translation and Chinese document review. We deliver customized legal document translation solutions based on your case’s size and budget requirements, utilizing industry-leading technology to ensure accuracy, lower costs and faster turnaround times.