attribution right

attribution right. Copyright. A person’s right to be credited as a work’s author, to have one’s name appear in connection with a work, or to forbid the use of one’s name in connection with a work that the person did not create. • Attribution rights constitute one aspect of the moral rights recognized primarily in civil-law countries. Under the Visual Artists Rights Act of 1990, the creators of a very limited class of works — called works of visual art — have certain statutory attribution rights. 17 USCA § 106A. Under the Berne Convention Implementation Act, attribution rights afforded foreign copyright owners may be enforceable in the U.S. — Also termed rights of attribution; paternity; maternity. Cf. INTEGRITY RIGHT; MORAL RIGHT. [Cases: Copyrights and Intellectual Property 36. C.J.S. Copyrights and Intellectual Property §§ 10, 40–41, 97.]
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