
autolimitation, n. An authority’s establishment of rules that, in effect, limit the authority’s own power. — auto-limit, vb.

“The theory of Jellinek (Allgemeine Staatslehre), so far as the writer understands it, is not an explanation either. In his view something which he calls the State, not defined, but, as it seems, a group of persons, finds itself in pos-session of power, and establishes rules. These are the law. This process he calls ‘autolimitation.’ It is true that a body with supreme power does make law. An autocrat, man or group, without rules, may do justice, though it probably will not, but it does not make law — there is no Rechtsstaat. But autolimitation is, as Professor Brierly notes … , a contradiction in terms. If the State’s power is limited, it must be by some superior power. But even accepting the analysis, we are no better off.” W.W. Buckland, Some Reflections on Jurisprudence 24 (1945).

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