baby actglossary / baby act, 未成年人抗辩 baby act〈美〉未成年人抗辩(→pleading the baby act) 词条贡献者 资深译员David,毕业于亚洲顶尖的高级翻译学院,擅长翻译有关汽车业的法律文件。
pleading the baby act PLEADING THE BABY ACT, 未成年人抗辩 pleading the baby act (美俚)未成年人抗辩 指诉讼中以合同为未成年人所订立为理由的抗辩。
baby act pleading the baby act, PLEADING THE baby act, pleading the. Slang. The act of asserting a person’s infancy as a defense to a contract claim.