bill in the nature of a bill of revivorglossary / bill in the nature of a bill of revivor, 恢复诉讼的诉状性质的诉状 bill in the nature of a bill of revivor恢复诉讼的诉状性质的诉状 在法院对诉讼当事人的财产利益作出裁决之前一方当事人死亡或丧失行为能力的情况下提出的诉状,它旨在解决谁有权替代死亡当事人恢复原先的诉讼。 词条贡献者 法律翻译Gianluca,毕业于英国一流的高级翻译学院,专注翻译各类与环境、土地及资源有关的法律文件。
bill in the nature of a bill of revivor bill in the nature of a bill of revivor A bill filed when a litigant dies or becomes incapacitated before the litigant’s interest in property could be determined. •…