bill in the nature of a supplemental billglossary / bill in the nature of a supplemental bill, 补充诉状性质的诉状 bill in the nature of a supplemental bill补充诉状性质的诉状 使新的当事人因诉讼提起后发生的事件所产生的利害关系而参加诉讼的诉状。与补充诉状不同,后者仅涉及已提起的原诉讼的当事人或利害关系。 词条贡献者 译员黎川,在一家顶尖澳洲律师事务所的上海办公室担任全职法律翻译,擅长翻译涉及工业与制造业领域的法律文件。
bill in the nature of a supplemental bill bill in the nature of a supplemental bill A bill bringing to court new parties and interests arising from events that occur after the suit is filed. •…