bill of sightglossary / BILL OF SIGHT bill of sight. Maritime law. A declaration made to a customs officer by an importer who is unsure about what is being shipped. • The bill of sight allows an importer to inspect the goods before paying duties. 词条贡献者 译者Anne,毕业于亚洲顶尖的高级翻译学院,擅长翻译各种与投资顾问法联邦及地方注册相关的法律文件。
bill of sight BILL OF SIGHT, 当场验货报单, 海关临时起岸报单 bill of sight (进口商)当场验货报单;海关临时起岸报单在进口商对所运载的进口货物并不确知而无法填制报关单时向海关提交的报单。此报单允许进口商在支付关税之前对进口货物进行检验,以最终完成报关单。