bill to carry a decree into executionglossary / bill to carry a decree into execution, 将判决交付执行的诉状 bill to carry a decree into execution将判决交付执行的诉状 由于当事人的疏忽或其他原因而致,若法院不作出新的判决,原判决将不可能被付诸执行时提出的一种诉状。 词条贡献者 法律翻译Howard,在一家顶尖的美国律师事务所担任专职法律翻译,专注翻译各类与信托与财产规划有关的法律文件。
bill to carry a decree into execution bill to carry a decree into execution A bill brought when a decree could not be enforced without further court order because of the parties’ neglect or…