
malicious arrest

malicious arrest 非法拘禁;非法逮捕 无合理根据且为不正当目的而进行的拘禁或逮捕,尤指某人通过滥用司法令状〔abuse of process〕在无合理根据的情况下使原告受到拘禁。它可成为滥用令状、非法拘禁〔false imprisonment〕或恶意控告〔malicious prosecution〕之诉的根据。在英国,此种非法拘禁主要发生在民事案件中,但现在极少发生。

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executive power

executive power. Constitutional law. The power to see that the laws are duly executed and enforced. • Under federal law, this power is vested in the President; in the states, it is vested in the governors. The President’s enumerated powers are found in the U.S. Constitution, art. II, § 2; governors’ executive powers are provided

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designer drug

A chemical substance that is created to duplicate the pharmacological effects of controlled substances, often by using the same chemicals contained in controlled substances, but manipulating their formulas. [Cases: Controlled Substances 9, 43.]

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stet (stet), n. [Latin “let it stand”] 1. An order staying legal proceedings, as when a prosecutor determines not to proceed on an indictment and places the case on a stet docket. • The term is used chiefly in Maryland. 2. An editor’s instruction to leave a text as it stands.

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king’s widow

king’s widow 〈英〉国王直属封臣之遗孀 依《君主特权法》〔De Praerogativa Regis〕,国王直属封臣〔tenant in capite〕之遗孀必须获得国王的特许才准再婚,否则将被罚款。一般罚款数额相当于寡妇地产一年的收入额。当1540年,王室监护法院〔Court of Wards and Liveries〕设立时,监护法官〔Master〕被授权处理未获批准的再婚者。

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