

Q.abbr. QUESTION(1). • This abbreviation is almost always used in deposition and trial transcripts to denote each question asked by the examining lawyer.

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adjure ([schwa]-juur), vb. To charge or entreat solemnly (the President adjured the foreign government to join the alliance). — adjuration (aj-[ schwa]-ray-sh[schwa]n), n. — adjuratory ([schwa]-juur-[schwa]-tor-ee), adj. — adjurer, adjuror ([schwa]-juur-[schwa]r), n.

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lending right

lending right. Copyright. The power of a copyright owner to control the use of copies of the work beyond the first sale when that use involves offering the copy to the public for temporary use with no consideration required. • Lending rights are recognized among members of the European Commission. [Cases: Copyrights and Intellectual Property

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