
cepi (see-pI). [Latin] Hist. I have taken. • Cepi was often used in a capias return by an arresting sheriff, as in cepi corpus et est in custodia (“I have taken the defendant [or body] and he is in custody”).

“But for injuries committed with force to the person, property, or possession, of the plaintiff, the law, to punish the breach of the peace, and prevent its disturbance in the future, provided also a process against the defendant’s person…. This process was called a capias ad respondendum, which at once authorised the sheriff to take the defendant, and imprison him till the return-day, and then produce him in court…. If by this process the defendant was arrested, the sheriff returned it with cepi corpus indorsed. But notwithstanding this writ commanded the sheriff to take and secure him till the return-day, he might, at his own peril, have let the defendant continue at large; though he was liable, in case of his non appearance in court, to make amends to the plaintiff in an action for an escape, or to be amerced by the court for the contempt, in not producing the body pursuant to the return he had made on the writ.” George Crompton, Practice Common-Placed: Rules and Cases of Practice in the Courts of King’s Bench and Common Pleas xlii–xliii (3d ed. 1787).

cepi corpus et bail (see-pIkor-p[schwa]s et bayl). I have arrested and then released the defendant on a bail bond.

cepi corpus et committitur (see-pIkor-p[schwa]s et k[schwa]-mit-[ schwa]-t[schwa]r). I have arrested and committed the defendant (to prison).

cepi corpus et est languidus (see-pIkor-p[schwa]s et est lang-gw[schwa]-d[schwa]s). I have arrested the defendant and he is sick. • This notation in a sheriff’s return indicated that the defendant was too sick to be moved safely from the place of arrest.

cepi corpus et paratum habeo (see-pIkor-p[schwa]s et p[schwa]-ray-t[ schwa]m hay-bee-oh). I have made an arrest and am ready to produce the defendant.

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