child laborglossary / child labor, 童工 child labor童工 在僱佣童工的问题上,其法律意义在于禁止令其从事危险职业,或在有腐蚀性的环境中工作,或从事会损害儿童的体力或健康的工作,或令其工作时间过长而达到了使儿童精疲力尽并生病的程度。 词条贡献者 译者筠怡,毕业于法国顶尖的高级翻译学院,擅长翻译各种与产品责任与集体侵权诉讼相关的法律文件。
child labor child labor The employment of workers under the age of majority. • This term typically focuses on abusive practices such as exploitative…
child labor child labor child labor. The employment of workers under the age of majority. • This term typically focuses on abusive practices such…