clerk of the pellsglossary / CLERK OF THE PELLS Clerk of the Pells. Hist. An Exchequer officer who entered tellers’ bills on the parchment rolls (pells), one for receipts and the other for disbursements. — Also termed Master of the Pells. 词条贡献者 译者Peter,毕业于亚洲顶尖的高级翻译学院,擅长翻译各种与复杂金融产品相关的法律文件。
Clerk of the Pells CLERK OF THE PELLS, 羊皮簿书记官 Clerk of the Pells 〈英〉(财政署的)羊皮簿书记官 负责将银钱出纳分别登记在收入羊皮账簿〔pellis receptorum〕和支出羊皮账簿〔pellis exituum〕上。