
collation (k[schwa]-lay-sh[schwa]n), n.

1. The comparison of a copy with its original to ascertain its correctness; the report of the officer who made the comparison.

2. The taking into account of the value of ad-vancements made by an intestate to his or her children so that the estate may be divided in accordance with the intestacy statute. Cf. HOTCHPOT. [Cases: Descent and Distribution 93–118. C.J.S. Descent and Distribu-tion §§ 69, 95–111, 116.]

3. Eccles. law. The act (by a bishop) of conferring a benefice in which the bishop holds the right of advowson, thus combining the acts of presentation and institution. — Also termed collation to a benefice. See advowson collative under ADVOWSON. — collate (k[schwa]-layt), vb. — collator (k[schwa]-lay-t[schwa]r), n.

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