commission of assizeglossary / commission of assize Hist. A royal authorization empowering a person to hold court and try cases arising while the justices in eyre held court elsewhere. Cf. EYRE. 词条贡献者 法律翻译Celia,毕业于新加坡知名法学院,专注翻译各类与酒店、博彩及休闲有关的法律文件。
commission of assize commission of assize, 巡回审判委任状 commission of assize (英格兰古法)巡回审判委任状 1指授权法官、皇家大律师〔Queen’s Counsel〕和其他人在巡回审判中审理民事案件的委任令;2在巡回法官〔justices in eyre〕停止巡回的年份里,国王指定其他法官或皇家大律师主持巡回审判。在12世纪初大巡回法庭每5至7年到各地巡回审案一次。
commission of assize commission of assize commission of assize. Hist. A royal authorization empowering a person to hold court and try cases arising while the justices…