
concessio (k[schwa]n-sesh-ee-oh). [Latin] Hist. A grant. • This is a term of conveyance used to convey in-corporeal property. Pl. concessiones.

“Grants, concessiones; the regular method by the common law of transferring the property of incorporeal here-ditaments, or, such things whereof no livery can be had. For which reason all corporeal hereditaments, as lands and houses, are said to lie in livery; and the others, as advowsons, commons, rents, reversions, etc., to lie in grant…. These therefore pass merely by the delivery of the deed.” 2 William Blackstone, Commentaries on the Laws of England 317 (1766).

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译员Max,毕业于欧洲一流的法学院,专注翻译各种与通用数据保护条例 (GDPR)有关的法律文件。