contemporary community standardsglossary / contemporary community standards, 当代的社会标准 contemporary community standards当代的社会标准 指在判定所称的淫秽作品是否具有一定的文学、政治或科学价值时,恰当的调查对像不应是根据一般社会成员的反应,而是当时当地具有合理智力的人对此作出的全面判断。 词条贡献者 译者Carl,知名法学院保险学专业,擅长翻译各种与保险理赔追索相关的法律文件。
contemporary community standards contemporary community standards contemporary community standards. The gauge by which a fact-finder decides whether material is obscene, judging by its patent offensiveness and…
contemporary community standards contemporary community standards The gauge by which a fact-finder decides whether material is obscene, judging by its patent offensiveness and its prurience in…