content-valid testglossary / content-valid test, 有效性内容测试 content-valid test有效性内容测试 指对申请工作者的测试内容应与该工作所需技能具有密切联系。在歧视性僱用的诉讼案件中,常须分析此类测试能否充分反映应聘人员所需技能,以确定测试内容的有效性。 词条贡献者 资深译员玉晶,毕业于国内顶尖的高级翻译学院,擅长翻译各类与环境、安全与健康相关的法律文件。
content valid test content-valid test content-valid test. A job-applicant examination that bears a close relationship to the skills required by the job. • Content-validation studies…
content valid test content-valid test A job-applicant examination that bears a close relationship to the skills required by the job. • Content-validation studies are often…