contra formam feoffmenti

contra formam feoffmenti (kon-tr[schwa] for-m[schwa]m feef-men-tI). [Latin “contrary to the form of the feoffment”] Hist. A writ that commanded a landowner to stop demanding from a tenant more services than those included in the tenant’s deed to the land. — Also spelled contra formam feoffamenti.

“Contra formam feoffamenti is a writ that lies where a man before the statute of quia emptores terrarum, made 18 Ed. 1, infeoffed another by deed to do certain service; if the feoffor or his heirs distrain him to do other service than is comprised in the deed, then the tenant shall have this writ, commanding him not to distrain him to do other service than is comprised in the deed.” Termes de la Ley 116 (1st Am. ed. 1812).

专业法律词汇 词条贡献者