course of dealingglossary / course of dealing, 交易过程 course of dealing交易过程 指某一特定交易的当事人之间一系列先前的行为。美国《统一商法典》〔U.C.C.〕第1-205条规定,它在解释当事人的意思表示和其他行为时将正当地被认为确立了一个理解的共同基础。 (→trade usage) 词条贡献者 译员蓉婧,欧洲知名商学院国际金融专业,专注翻译各种与美国证券法律有关的法律文件。
course of dealing course of dealing An established pattern of conduct between parties in a series of transactions (e.g., multiple sales of goods over a period…
course of dealing course of dealing course of dealing. An established pattern of conduct between parties in a series of transactions (e.g., multiple sales of goods…