Court for the Relief of Insolvent Debtorsglossary / COURT FOR THE RELIEF OF INSOLVENT DEBTORS, 无偿债能力债务人救济法庭 Court for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors〈英〉无偿债能力债务人救济法庭 受理无偿债能力的债务人提出申请的有关破产案件的地方法庭,它只在伦敦开庭。1861年《破产法》〔Bankruptcy Act〕予以废除。 词条贡献者 译员黎川,在一家顶尖澳洲律师事务所的上海办公室担任全职法律翻译,专注翻译各种与澳大利亚业务有关的法律文件。
court for the relief of insolvent debtors COURT FOR THE RELIEF OF INSOLVENT DEBTORS Court for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors. Hist. A court located in London with jurisdiction over bankruptcy matters. • The…