Court of Assistantsglossary / Court of Assistants, 总督法院 Court of Assistants〈美〉总督法院 1630年马萨诸塞州设立的法院,由总督、副总督和总督助理组成,行使立法权、司法权及衡平法审判权。 词条贡献者 资深译员Christina,毕业于英国一流的高级翻译学院,擅长翻译涉及教育培训领域的法律文件。
Court of Assistants Court of Assistants Hist. A colonial body organized in Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1630 to act as a legislature and court for the…
court of assistants Court of Assistants Court of Assistants. Hist. A colonial body organized in Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1630 to act as a legislature and…