
cyberlaw (sI-b[schwa]r-law). The field of law dealing with the Internet, encompassing cases, statutes, regu-lations, and disputes that affect people and businesses interacting through computers. • Cyberlaw addresses issues of online speech and business because of the nature of the medium, including intellectual-property rights, free speech, privacy, e-commerce, and safety, as well as questions of jurisdiction.

— Also termed cyberspace law.

“Much of the hoopla about ‘cyberspace law’ relates more to climbing the steep learning curve of [the Internet’s] technological complexities than to changes in fundamental legal principles. To the extent there was ‘new’ law, it was almost entirely case-by-case development, in accordance with accepted and well-understood basic legal principles, albeit applied to new technology and new circumstances.” Jay Dratler Jr., Cyberlaw § 1.01, at 1–3 (2001).

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