delegation of powersglossary / DELEGATION OF POWERS, 权力的委托, 权力的授予 delegation of powers权力的委托;权力的授予 指政府某一部门将授予其的权力委任给其他部门或行政机关行使;也指某一机关或机构成立时,宪法或法律授予它以一定的权限。 词条贡献者 译员蓉婧,欧洲知名商学院国际金融专业,专注翻译各种与美国证券法律有关的法律文件。
delegation of powers DELEGATION OF POWERS delegation of powers. A transfer of authority by one branch of government to another branch or to an administrative agency.…
delegation of authority delegation (of authority), 权力的委任, 权力的授予 delegation of authority 权力的委任;权力的授予(→delegation of powers)