
dispatch (di-spachalsodis-pach), n.

1. A prompt sending off of something (a dispatch of the letter agreement).

2. A prompt completion of something ( dispatch of a business transaction).

3. Something quickly sent (the dispatch was mailed).

4. Maritime law. The required diligence in discharging cargo ( dispatch is required on all charters). [Cases: Shipping 49(6).C.J.S. Shipping § 108.]

customary dispatch. Dispatch that follows the rules, customs, and usages of the port where cargo is discharged. [Cases: Shipping 49(6). C.J.S. Shipping § 108.]

quick dispatch. A speedy dispatch that does not strictly follow the customs of the port, esp. to avoid delays resulting from a crowded wharf. [Cases: Shipping 49(6). C.J.S. Shipping § 108.]

5. Maritime law. DISPATCH MONEY.

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