disturbance of commonglossary / disturbance of common, 侵犯公地, 侵犯公地使用权 disturbance of common侵犯公地;侵犯公地使用权 普通法中,指任何使他人对公地使用权的行使受到妨害或减损的行为,如无公地使用权者在公地上放牧、有公地使用权者将不许在公地上放牧的牲畜于公地上放牧或过度放牧、土地权利人或其他人将公地圈围或堵塞等。 词条贡献者 双语律师李明,国际知名法学院法律专业,擅长翻译各类与政府监管相关的法律文件。
disturbance of common disturbance of common disturbance of common. At common law, a wrongful interference with, or impediment to, another’s right to commonable property, such as…
disturbance of common disturbance of common At common law, a wrongful interference with, or impediment to, another’s right to commonable property, such as a wrongful fencing…