domesday book

Domesday Book (doomz-day). The census or survey, ordered by William the Conqueror and substantially completed in 1086, of England’s landholdings, buildings, people, and livestock. — Abbr. D.B. — Also spelled Doomsday Book.

“Domesday Book had several variant names — Liber de Wintonia, Rotulus Wintoniae, Scriptura Thesauri Regis, Liber Regis, Liber Judiciarius, Censualis Angliae, Angliae Notitia et Lustratio, Rotulus Regis, Liber de Thesauro, Exchequer Domesday….Domesday Book had as its main object a fiscal one, and a limited fiscal one at that. Beyond that it does not profess to go, and if we get any further information from it as to contemporary law and society, we get it as an indirect consequence.” Percy H. Winfield, The Chief Sources of English Legal History 110–11 (1925).

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