

1. A gift, esp. to a charity. [Cases: Gifts 1.]

donation purely gratuitous. Louisiana law. An unconditional inter vivos gift. Cf. onerous donation.

onerous donation. Civil law. An inter vivos gift burdened with a condition imposed by the donor. • There is no gift unless the gift’s value is more than twice as much as the condition’s value to the donor. La. Civ. Code arts. 1524, 1526. Cf. donation purely gratuitous.

remunerative donation. Civil law. An inter vivos gift made to compensate a person for services rendered. • It is not a gift unless the value of the property given is more than twice as much as the value of the services. La. Civ. Code arts. 1525, 1526.

2. Eccles. law. A method of acquiring a benefice by deed of gift alone, without presentation, institution, or induction.

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