duty of the flagglossary / DUTY OF THE FLAG duty of the flag. Hist. A maritime ceremony by which a foreign vessel struck her flag and lowered her topsail upon meeting the British flag. • The ceremony was an acknowledgment of British sovereignty over the British seas. 词条贡献者 资深译员Laura,毕业于一所培养高级翻译以及跨文化事务专家的精英大学,专注翻译各种与美国公司法规有关的法律文件。
duty of the flag DUTY OF THE FLAG, 降旗义务 duty of the flag (古)〈英〉降旗义务 在英国领海通过的外国船舶,为表示对英国主权的尊重,在遇到英国国旗时降下船旗和中桅帆的古老礼仪。