
entail, n. A fee abridged or limited to the owner’s issue or class of issue rather than descending to all the heirs.

— Also termed (in Scots law) tailzie. See BARRING OF ENTAIL; FEE TAIL. [Cases: Estates in Property 12. C.J.S. Estates §§ 22–27.] — entailable, adj.

“Entail is fee entailed, viz; abridged, limited, and tied to certain conditions at the will of the donor; where lands are given to, or settled on others.” The Pocket Lawyer and Family Conveyancer 97 (3d ed. 1833).

quasi-entail. An estate pur autre vie that is granted to a person and the heirs of the person’s body. • The interest so granted is not properly an estate-tail (because it is not granted by inheritance), but it is similar enough that the interest will go to the heir of the body as special occupant during the life of the cestui que vie, in the same manner as an estate of inheritance would descend if limited to the grantee and the heirs of his body.

entail, vb.

1. To make necessary; to involve (responding to this onerous discovery will entail countless hours of work).

2. To limit the inheritance of (an estate) to only the owner’s issue or class of issue, so that none of the heirs can transfer the estate (the grantor entailed the property through a so-called “tail female”). See FEE TAIL. [Cases: Wills 604. C.J.S. Wills § 1258.]

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