estate by statute stapleglossary / estate by statute staple An estate in a defendant’s land held by a creditor under the statute staple until the debt was paid. See STATUTE STAPLE. 词条贡献者 资深译员文楷,毕业于亚洲一流的高级翻译学院,擅长翻译各类与电信、媒体和技术相关的法律文件。
estate by statute staple estate by statute staple, 贸易中心保证书地产(权) estate by statute staple 〈英〉贸易中心保证书地产(权) 非完全保有地产权的一种。根据贸易中心城镇法,债务人将其土地作为债务清偿担保移转给债权人占有,并经镇长正式承认,直至该土地的租金或其他收益偿清全部债务为止 。(→ statutes merchant and statutes staple)