1. The questioning of a witness under oath. See DIRECT EXAMINATION ; CROSS-EXAMINATION. [Cases: Witnesses 224–228. C.J.S. Witnesses §§ 390–394, 396–398, 404–405.]
2. Bankruptcy. The questioning of a debtor, esp. at the first meeting of creditors, concerning such matters as the bankrupt’s debts and assets. [Cases: Bankruptcy 3040. C.J.S. Bankruptcy § 204.]
3. An inquiry made at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, upon application for a patent, into the alleged invention’s novelty and utility, and whether it interferes with any other pending application or in-force patent. [Cases: Patents 104. C.J.S. Patents §§ 145–147, 149–151, 173–175.]
preliminary examination. Patents. A patent office’s initial review of an application, usu. to see whether the specification is properly set out and to prepare a search report. [Cases: Patents 104. C.J.S. Patents §§ 145–147, 149–151, 173–175.]
5. A test, such as a bar examination.