
expunge (ek-sp[schwa]nj), vb.

1. To erase or destroy (the trustee wrongfully expunged the creditor’s claim against the debtor).

2. Parliamentary law. To declare (a vote or other action) null and outside the record, so that it is noted in the original record as expunged, and redacted from all future copies.

— Also termed rescind and expunge; rescind and expunge from the minutes; rescind and expunge from the record. — expungement (ek-sp[schwa]nj-m[schwa]nt), expunction (ek-sp[schwa]ngk-sh[schwa]n), n.

“Where it is desired not only to rescind an action but to express very strong disapproval, legislative bodies have voted to rescind the objectionable action and expunge it from the record. When a record has been expunged, the chief legislative officer should cross out the words or draw a line around them in the original minutes and write across them the words, ‘Expunged by order of the senate (or house),’ giving the date of the order. This statement should be signed by the chief legislative officer. The word ‘expunged’ must not be so blotted as not to be readable, as otherwise it would be impossible to determine whether more was expunged than ordered. When the minutes are printed or published, the expunged portion is omitted.” National Conference of State Legislatures, Mason’s Manual of Legislative Procedure § 444, at 296–97 (2000).

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