failing-company doctrineglossary / failing-company doctrine, 破产公司原则 failing-company doctrine〈美〉(濒于)破产公司原则 如果一个公司已破产或濒临破产,则对它的收购不适用《克莱顿法》〔Clayton Act〕中关于公司收购的规定。 词条贡献者 法律翻译Terence,毕业于欧洲顶尖的高级翻译学院,专注翻译各类与房地产与土地使用诉讼有关的法律文件。
failing company doctrine failing-company doctrine Antitrust. The rule that allows an otherwise proscribed merger or acquisition between competitors when one is bankrupt or near failure.…
failing company doctrine failing-company doctrine failing-company doctrine. Antitrust. The rule that allows an otherwise proscribed merger or acquisition between competitors when one is bankrupt or…