family purpose rule

family-purpose rule. Torts. The principle that a vehicle’s owner is liable for injuries or damage caused by a family member’s negligent driving. • Many states have abolished this rule.

— Also termed family-purpose doctrine; family-automobile doctrine; family-car doctrine. Cf. GUEST STATUTE. [Cases: Automobiles 195(5). C.J.S. Motor Vehicles § 843.]

“A number of jurisdictions have adopted the so-called ‘family purpose’ doctrine, under which the owner of a motor vehicle purchased or maintained for the pleasure of his family is liable for injuries inflicted by the negligent operation of the vehicle while it is being used by members of the family for their own pleasure, on the theory that the vehicle is being used for the purpose or business for which it was kept, and that the person operating it is therefore acting as the owner’s agent or servant in using it.” 8 Am. Jur. 2d Automobiles and Highway Traffic § 715, at 296 (1997).

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