fine for endowmentglossary / FINE FOR ENDOWMENT fine for endowment. Hist. A fee paid by a widow of a tenant to the tenant’s lord. • If it was not paid, the widow could not be endowed of her husband’s land. 词条贡献者 法律翻译Jessie,在一家亚洲一流律师事务所的北京办公室担任全职法律翻译,擅长翻译有关港口、铁路、公路与海运的法律文件。
fine for endowment FINE FOR ENDOWMENT, 亡夫遗产继承费 fine for endowment (封建法)亡夫遗产继承费 古时封臣之遗孀付给领主的一笔费用,用以继承其亡夫之地产。在英格兰,亨利一世时即已将其废除,后《大宪章》〔Magna Charta〕再度予以废止。